Home Client Questions Client Questions: Dealing with Setbacks in Online Marketing

Client Questions: Dealing with Setbacks in Online Marketing


Have you struggled in your online marketing efforts? Today I discuss three common issues and how to work through them.


  1. Faithe,

    You’re spot on! Every entrepreneur goes through the struggles and setbacks and we have to realize one thing: failure is inevitable! If we learn to accept failure and move on, we will be ready to conquer again! Your explanation about the sales funnel was great as well!

  2. Great answer to dealing with setbacks in online marketing Faithe!

    The biggest problem with online marketing is the idea that it is all happy go lucky. Building an online business is just the same as building any other business…

    You need to learn, adapt, test and then role with the good times as much as you do with the bad. After all, it is overcoming the tough times that is going to show the biggest growth in your business.

    Glad to see how real you are being when discussing numbers with sales funnels… It is refreshing to see some honest figures for a change!

    Keep up the awesome work


    Marc Parsons

    • Marc, you are right about keeping the numbers real. If more online marketers revealed their numbers honestly, the marketing industry would be a different (and better) game altogether. Online marketing would not have the stigma that it often has.

  3. Hey there it’s Alexey!
    Setbacks are a natural process that happens and will continue to happen with any type of business. The question is what we are going to do next. How to work through them, which your video covered really good. Thanks for the share, I will share this with my teammates as well.

  4. I think this is brilliant – it’s easy to feel discouraged at times but sometimes just taking a fresh look, a new perspective from a different angle can really help to evaluate and see what needs to change or if it is just a seasonal thing.

    I found your marketing funnel info really interesting, it got me thinking about my own online business and asking myself I am really thinking through my customer’s experience and decision making process from beginning to end.

    Thank you for the top quality information!

    • I’m thinking I need to do some more in-depth videos on the sales funnel. So many people get this wrong and then say that “online marketing doesn’t work.” It does work if you have everything set up correctly, understand your target avatar, and position yourself well.

  5. I really enjoyed your video and have resolved any issue with the timing of my posts and understand the sales funnel. I don’t use PPC simply use SEO. Just not getting the clicks. I’ve tried using CoSchedule to help with winning headlines, but am about to jump ship there because its not working. Your video has encouraged me to take another look at exactly what I am doing. I won’t give up.


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